Could you benefit from a Self-Care Coach?

Self-care coaching is designed for individuals who recognise the importance of prioritising their well-being but may be struggling to implement effective self-care practices independently.

Through personalised guidance and support with a coach like myself, you'll receive the tools, accountability and the encouragement needed to cultivate a sustainable self-care routine that enhances every aspect of your life.

Self-care coaching offers a structured framework to address challenges such as inconsistent self-care practices and difficulty in setting and achieving self-care goals, which hinders your ability to prioritise your well-being.

Work with me to...

Identify and prioritise your self-care needs

through powerful discovery techniques that empower you to discern which self-care activities will most effectively nurture your mental, physical and emotional well-being.

Establish clear, achievable self-care goals

through personalised assessment and in-depth discussion. Together, we'll craft an actionable plan aligned with your objectives, ensuring they are realistic and sustainable.

Develop a personalised, sustainable

self-care routine

ensuring consistency and long-term well-being with practices that are supported by your environment, skills, beliefs, values, habits, behaviour and identity.

Overcome guilt and prioritise well-being

by addressing limiting beliefs and developing a mindset that unapologetically prioritises self-care - read on about Mindset coaching to find out more.

As a Type A woman navigating the demands of modern life, finding balance and prioritising your well-being can feel like a daunting task, but you don't have to go it alone. With ongoing support and accountability, you'll stay focused and motivated to prioritise your well-being and make meaningful progress.

I can support you to..

Cultivate a work-life balance

Learn to take breaks and set clear time and space boundaries to ensure a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Implement healthy habits

Receive personalised strategies for incorporating regular exercise, nutritious eating habits and sufficient sleep into your routine.

Enhance Emotional Well-being

Discover mindfulness practices and stress management techniques to help build emotional resilience, equipping you to handle challenging workdays.

Build Meaningful Connections

Explore ways to nurture personal and professional relationships to create a strong support network.

Rediscover Personal Interests

Identify hobbies and interests that bring you joy and relaxation, learning how to integrate them into your busy day.

Develop Assertiveness

Master assertiveness techniques to communicate priorities confidently and prevent overload by saying "no" to additional tasks.

Implement Effective Task Management & Delegation

Learn to efficiently handle multiple tasks and delegate effectively at work and at home, ensuring a manageable workload supporting a healthy work-life balance

Integrate Relaxation Techniques

Discover effective relaxation techniques that enable you to wind down at the end of the work day.

Working with me, you'll discover how self-care coaching can help your well-being without compromising your high standards. Together we will gain a deeper understanding of your Type A identity, celebrate your strengths and address your challenges.

Embark on a transformative journey with integrated Mindset coaching

By combining Self-care and Mindset coaching, I offer a comprehensive and transformative approach to truly empower you by addressing both the practical and psychological aspects of well-being. Whilst Self-care coaching provides practical solutions for implementing self-nurturing practices in your daily life, Mindset coaching complements it by delving into understanding and reshaping unhelpful cognitive patterns.

Using a wide range of mindset coaching methodologies from the fields of positive psychology, emotional intelligence, neuroscience and other evidence-based approaches, I provide bespoke interventions that actually work. Committed to working with you at the conscious, subconscious and unconscious level I bring a unique blend of NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy, EFT and an International Coach Federation (ICF) psychometric profiling assessment measuring all 7 dimensions of mindset.

These cutting-edge techniques are powerful tools that can unlock profound personal growth and lasting change and enable me to provide a holistic approach to transforming thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviours that may be holding you back from achieving your self-care goals. My About Me page explains more on how these techniques personally helped me.

Work with me on your mindset to:

  • Gain clarity and understand what's stopping you from prioritising self-care

  • Remove limiting decisions and negative emotions that keep you stuck in unwanted patterns of behaviour such as working excessive hours, not taking breaks and always putting work before your own mental, emotional and physical health

  • Reframe negative beliefs so that you can unapologetically take time out for self-care without feeling guilt.

  • Understand your mindset profile so that you can align your self-care goals with your values and behavioural preferences to ensure personal fulfilment and accomplishment

  • Be motivated to improve your overall well-being as your self-sabotaging beliefs are rewired for wellness success

  • Develop the mental strength to continue prioritising your needs even when work is challenging. Know that you can still achieve professional excellence without compromising your personal well-being

More on Mindset Techniques

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a dynamic approach that explores the intricate connection between language, thoughts and behaviour to rewire your mindset for success. Think of it as a user manual for the mind that serves as a guide to comprehending and optimising your mental processes. Through NLP, we work together to understand and reprogram thought patterns, uncovering strategies to more constructive thinking, effective communication and empowered actions.


Contrary to the dramatic portrayals in popular media, hypnosis is a gentle and focused state of heightened awareness for breaking free from limiting beliefs and aligning your subconscious with your conscious goals. It's a tool to tap into the subconscious mind which is the powerhouse of beliefs and habits. In our sessions, we use hypnosis to access this powerful zone, facilitating positive suggestions and mindset shifts at a deep level.

Timeline Therapy

Your personal timeline is a unique journey through your past, present, and future. Timeline Therapy is an approach that helps you navigate and reframe experiences along this timeline. By revisiting and adjusting the emotional charge associated with certain events, we can release negative emotions and limitations. This technique is instrumental in letting go of psychological burdens, creating a clear path to a more positive future.

Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology. By gently tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or problem, EFT helps balance the body's energy system and release negative emotions or limiting beliefs. This safe and non-invasive technique can alleviate emotional distress, reduce anxiety and promote well-being, making it a valuable tool for managing stress, anxiety and other emotional challenges.

Mindset Dimensions Psychometric Profiling

As a Mindset Dimensions Practitioner, I'm also certified to incorporate a powerful psychometric profiling tool accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) measuring all 7 dimensions of mindset. This type of profiling assessment assists in identifying the behavioural patterns and preferences that may be counter-intuitive to your conscious goals.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved, Coni Moloney