Hi, I'm Coni! Thank you so much for visiting my page....

Coni is a certified Mindset, Self-care and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach as well as a Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy Practitioner who studied at the Mindset Coach Academy.

Having previously worked in a very demanding but successful IT Service Management career for 30 years, Coni understands the challenges that ambitious women face when trying to find the balance between professional excellence and personal wellbeing, especially when working from home.

Driven by her passion for helping other Type A women, Coni now combines her professional experience with her mindset and self-care coaching programs to support like minded women in achieving holistic well-being whilst still thriving in a successful career.

My Story

If you're reading this right now and checking me out, then it's likely that you're just like I was a few years ago. So let me paint the picture....

I was working long hours, neglecting breaks, I felt stressed and mentally exhausted. I wasn't eating well, sleeping enough (because I found it difficult to switch off) or getting much physical exercise. Work literally came before everything, to the point that I wasn't spending much quality time with my family and friends or doing anything that brought me real joy.

 Then one day, when I'd reached the point of sheer exhaustion, the inevitable happened. I crashed the company car I was driving into the back of the car in front of me. Luckily no-one was hurt, but it was the shock and the wakeup call that I needed to change - so what did I do...?

Being the Type A woman I am proud to be, I took that innate determination, drive and ambition within me to refocus my attention on self-care goals so I could get back to the healthy space I needed to be in physically, mentally and emotionally.

But here's the thing - it wasn't actually as easy as I thought it would be. It wasn't as straight forward as creating a self-care plan and sticking to it. What I came to realise was that there were some deep ingrained beliefs in my subconscious mind that were holding me back.

When I actually sat and thought about things more, I realised I was telling myself "I'm too busy for self-care, I should always be productive, I'll fall behind if I take a break, I must do everything myself, I can't say no, work comes first.....". These limiting beliefs, ignited by my Type A traits, went on and on and made me feel guilt at the thought of considering my own needs.

And that's when I had my ah ha! moment - I realised that my mindset was the real problem stopping me achieving my self-care goals.

Then it appeared... my sliding doors moment. Instead of carrying on as I always had, I decided that it was time to change. It started through research, self-development books and inspirational podcasts to understand more about self-care and how I could incorporate it into my life. Then I turned to Mindset Coaching, NLP and Hypnotherapy to help me to replace my limiting beliefs with empowering ones, change my behaviour and instil healthy habits.

Working at the conscious, subconscious and unconscious level over a number of months, I watched my mindset transform and my behaviours change - for the first time ever I started embracing self-care practices wholeheartedly.

How life has improved

Life has improved in many ways. I no longer neglect breaks or work long hours (which has actually increased my productivity and focus), I've improved my physical health, exercising before my workday starts (rather than logging into work emails as soon as I wake up), my mental health is the best it's been, I don't feel stressed anymore, I feel so much more connected to people because I'm making quality time for friends and family rather than being consumed by work and I've learnt to do things simply because they bring me joy, not because I'm trying to achieve some sort of goal.

But here's the thing. When I saw my life transform, the type A in me just couldn't help but want to take things a step further and empower other women in the same position. So I re-trained as a Mindset, Self-care and NLP Coach as well as a Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy Practitioner so I can help you to transform your mindset too.

If you can hear yourself saying things like "I don't have time for self-care, I'll be judged for prioritising myself, self-care seems selfish..." then these limiting beliefs will prevent you from living the fulfilling life you deserve. Just like me, you can be committed to a successful career, but also absolutely and unapologetically prioritise self-care, because the secret to true success is balance.

So if you need help building a sustainable self-care plan, but also want to go beyond traditional coaching methods and work with someone that totally gets your Type A challenges, addresses both surface-level difficulties as well as deeper mindset issues, then I am definitely the coach for you.

Work in partnership with me to achieve profound personal growth and lasting transformation.

If my life has been transformed, then so can yours.

Want to know more about self-care and how to integrate it into your busy life? You can find out all you need to know in my FREE Ultimate Self-Care guide

Final note about what drives me. Not only do I want to help as many women as I can, I want to set a good example to my son. He sees me looking after my health and well-being and knows he gets the best of me, not what's left of me. Creating time for self-care makes time for creating memories with special people

Are you ready to prioritise your well-being and achieve lasting success?

© 2024 All Rights Reserved, Coni Moloney