Discover Your Personality Type -

Take the 'Are you Type A? Quiz

Are you driven, organised and always striving for success? Or do you take a more laid-back approach to life? Understanding your personality type is key for self-awareness and to recognise what traits can impact your personal well-being.

This quiz is designed to give you valuable insights into your traits. If you lean more towards Type A then you could be more susceptible to neglecting self-care. Recognising this is a first important step.


  • PERSONALISED INSIGHTS: Learn whether you exhibit Type A traits and what that means for your work and personal life.

  • SELF-CARE STRATEGIES: Discover practical tips to help implement self-care and maintain the balance between professional excellence and personal well-being.

How it works

Take the Quiz

Answer 10 online questions designed to assess your personality traits

Get Your Score

Receive a breakdown of your results and see where you fall on the Type A spectrum.

Explore Your Results

Receive insights into how your traits affect your work and overall well-being.

About the Quiz Maker!

Hi! I'm Coni, a globally certified Mindset and Self-Care Coach, dedicated to supporting ambitious, professional Type A women working from home. My mission is to empower you to prioritise your holistic health, establish a sustainable self-care routine and find the balance between professional excellence and personal well-being for lasting fulfilment and success. I hope you enjoy this quiz and find it helpful in your journey towards better self-understanding and well-being.

Best Wishes

Coni x